3D Help!
This page is created for 3D users of all software. You may find this page useful if you do 3D modeling, texturing, lighting, or animation. Share and Enjoy!
Animation Tutorials
- Character Animation: Principles and Practice
- If you are at all interested in CHARACTER animation, read this. It covers the basic principles of animation, in addition to some "extra" principles or facets, that people on
the CG-Char mailing list/forum helped put together.
- Animation Process: A Case Study
- This document shows one of my animation tests at various stages of completion from
start to finish. It describes how I go about my animations, the stages and process I
use, and how things look as I progress.
- Lip Sync - Making Character Speak
- Includes sample images of phonemes, morph targets, as well as an actual run through of
how to do track analysis. This is a general guide and article on how to create and animate
Lip Sync in most packages.
- CG Character Animation FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- This is the old FAQ document for the CG-Char Mailing List circa 2001, which used to
be at http://www.cg-char.com/
If you are at all into character animation, you should definitely check out this mailing list
and read this document.
Modeling Tutorials
(Please note all these modeling tutorials are for 3dsmax and are really old and honestly not that great. Toplogy etc really should be better. Maybe I'll make a new tutorial at some point...sigh...)
- Body Modeling - Modeling with Meshsmooth
- How I created the body for my anime character, as well as a little more information
on the hair creation as well. This uses basic polygon/box modeling techniques, and so is
useful for a variety of packages.
WARNING: Contains nudity, not suitable for those under 18.
- Facial Modeling - Modeling a Head with Polys in 3DSMAX
- This tutorial shows the steps used to create a Mesh/Poly model head instead
of a spline version. It goes along well with the Body Modeling tutorial below.
- Facial Modeling - Spline Modeling Heads
- How I created my anime head that is used for the facial animation tutorial above. This
specfically shows 3D Studio MAX, but could be used for anyother spline based approach, such
as Hash Animation Master.
- 3D Hair Tutorial
- How I created the hair for my anime model. Full size texture map files are shown inline!
Programming/Code Reference
- MayaAPI Help Page
- This is my own help page for people who want to write C++ plugin for Maya. It has some basic info to help people who already know C+ and are familiar with the Maya SDK, but want some sample code or an easy place to find basic samples from.
- CArray.h - Template C++ Class for Maya Arrays
- If you are a C++ plug-in programmer for Maya, you may find this template class useful. It has a generic implementation of a dynamic array class that has the same function calls and usage as the regular Maya array classes. This lets you create array classes of your own types or of types that Maya doesn't provide for like MMatrixArrays and so on.